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5-15-2024 Guinea, Homegrown League, New League Expansions, and Club 200

The new league, Guinea, is now open and ready to welcome all managers who want to open a team there. And as for the Homegrown League, all teams and series have now been created, and there are only a few slots left for additional teams.

Along with these two items, we want to announce that three existing leagues will expand next week, adding a fourth division to each. Those leagues are Belize, RD Congo, and Botswana. These expansions will make room in the leagues both for more local users and for new additional teams, just in case you have been waiting for a chance to join.

Additionally, we are rebranding one of the new achievements after receiving feedback from several users. The "Goal-Getter" achievement has been renamed as "Club 200" and the top 2 ranks have been reduced to 150 and 200 goals.

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